Nunu's Guide
Starting Stats
Damage 51.06 (+3.45 / per level)
Health 437 (+108 / per level)
Mana 213 (+42 / per level)
Move Speed 315
Armor 16.5 (+3.5 / per level)
Armor 16.5 (+3.5 / per level)
Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)
Health Regen 1.41 (+0.16 / per level)
Mana Regen 1.32 (+0.1 / per level)
Spells you should use:
Smite: Obvious choice
Flash: Flash is prefered by most heroes because it's an offensive and defensive spell at the same time. Nunu's move speed is really high so ghost is not so useful. With flash Nunu can move inside walls, baron etc. and can also chase+slow someone with Q or Ulty.
Recommended Items:
Starting items
*Ask teamates to help you with blue at the start of the game.
*Use ward so you wont get ganked by enemy jungler
*Potion will help you in jungling
Core items
*Ionian Boots are very helpful because Nunu needs Cooldown Reduction.
*Banshee's is a really important item helps him cast ulty without any cancel
AD Enemy Team
AP Enemy Team
Both AD & Ap builds help you become an off-tank Ap jungler. You can change the rotation according to your game.
Skills Order
Utility--> +buff duration, +lower cooldowns abilities, +experience, +regen mp/hp
Offense--> smite for extra gold and duration (stacks with utility mastery)
Defense--> +durability in jungle/mid-late game.
Greater Mark of Alacrity x8Greater Mark of Desolation x1
Greater Seal of Resilience x9
Greater Glyph of Shielding x9
Greater Quintessence of Desolation x3
Total Runes stats: +14% attack speed, +24 Magic Resist (lvl 18), +12 armor penetration, +13 Armor
~Armor pen helps jungling in the beggining *Most Jungle creeps got 12 armor
~Armor helps for jungle, towers and enemy junglers
~Magic resistance for late game.
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